速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Ramadan Recipe Special : All type of Sha

Ramadan Recipe Special : All type of Sha



檔案大小:15.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Ramadan Recipe Special : All type of Shahid talabat Recipes (圖1)-速報App

* To help you with your Iftar meal planning, we offer you a special collection of tasty and healthy Ramadan recipes that will add variety, color and nutrition to your Iftar Table.

Ramadan Recipe Special : All type of Shahid talabat Recipes (圖2)-速報App

* Ramadan recipes that you never find any other app.

Ramadan Recipe Special : All type of Shahid talabat Recipes (圖3)-速報App

* With each day, comes 2 nutrition tips to ensure healthy eating during this Holy Month.

Ramadan Recipe Special : All type of Shahid talabat Recipes (圖4)-速報App

* This app contains new and different kinds of Ramadan Recipes and Delights.

Ramadan Recipe Special : All type of Shahid talabat Recipes (圖5)-速報App

* Different kinds of sweets and main dishes find you in this app.

* Try this app and enjoy the holy month of Ramadan!
